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Central Balkan National Park Directorate and Natural History Museum - Cherni Osam village celebrated World Water Day together

24 March 2023
World Water Day - March 22 - was celebrated with a celebration in the yard of the Natural History Museum in the village of Cherni Osam. More than 40 children and Museum visitors participated in the event. The main topic of the talks were the rivers, the living conditions in them, the organisms that inhabit them and live nearby, the importance of water bodies, as well as the human impact on river ecosystems.

Some species that spend part of their lives in freshwater were observed - brown frog, long-legged wood frog, and mountain frog. An egg of a mountain frog was examined under a microscope and a magnifying glass, as well as types of invertebrate organisms. An expert from the Directorate of the National Park talked about the role of aquatic invertebrates, serving as an indicator of the state of the water body they inhabit.

World Water Day is celebrated every year on March 22 and aims to draw people's attention to the importance of water and the need to protect it.

The day has been officially celebrated since 1993, with annual events organized around the world dedicated to water.
This year's World Water Day calls on people to "Be the change you want to see in the world." Referring to an ancient story from the Quechua people of Peru about a hummingbird that brings drops of water to extinguish a large forest fire, the campaign encourages people to do whatever they can to help solve the water crisis and improve sanitation.

Back in 2015, the world committed to Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) of the United Nations Sustainable Development Program – a pledge to ensure access to, sustainable water management, clean drinking water and sanitation for all by 2030.

More information can be found on the official Water Day website: