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04 Novemver 2024
On November 2nd and 3rd, an action was held against the unregulated movement of motorcycles on the territory of Central Balkan National Park, led by the Director of the protected area - Georgi Krastev, with the participation of employees from several park sections.
During the action, 2 motorcycles were seized and acts of illegal traffic were drawn up. The violators were caught in the Steneto reserve, which is located near the Dermenka hut. In it, all human activity is prohibited, with the exception of passing along certain hiking trails marked by an order and agreed visits for scientific purposes.
The director of the Central Balkan National Park Directorate plan to continue organizing actions aimed at limiting the unregulated movement of motor vehicles in the National Park.
The reason for the actions taken are the frequent cases of movement of motorbikes in unauthorized areas and without the consent of the Directorate. The purpose of the organized action is to increase the responsibility of motorcyclists and to ensure compliance with the rules regarding the movement of motor vehicles in the National Park.
The consequences of the unregulated movement of motor vehicles in protected areas are numerous, some of which are:
- noise pollution that disturbs wild animals and can disrupt their natural behavior, including feeding and reproduction;
- air pollution;
-destruction of habitats, soil erosion;
- loss of biological diversity - reduction of species diversity and loss of habitats of rare and endangered species;
- created prerequisites for accidents with tourists;
These consequences highlight the need for control important to the conservation of the protected area.
We hope for public support to protect our natural heritage. We call on citizens who witness violations to continue reporting to us, as well as those who violate the law to realize the consequences of their actions.