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The participants in the last guided tours in the beech forests of the Central Balkan National Park have been selected

18 August 2022
The participants in the last two free guided tours in the beech forests, part of a serial site from the UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List, organized by the Central Balkan National Park Directorate, have been selected.
The lists of selected participants can be found here:
Beklemeto locality – Kozya stena chalet (high level of difficulty) – September 3, 2022
Tsarichina Ecopath (medium level of difficulty) – September 10, 2022.
Selected participants will be contacted by phone.
The visits to the forests of the Central Balkan are realized in the implementation of activity “3.02. Local and national awareness raising“ under the LIFE PROGNOSES Project LIFE20 PRE / BE / 00011 – LIFE PRotection of Old Growth Forests in Europe: Natural heritage, Outline, Synthesis and Ecosystem Services (Strengthening primary and old growth forest protection in Europe by capitalizing on World Heritage sites).
We recommend you to make mountain insurance for the tours!