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Today we celebrate the 45th anniversary of the declaration of the Stenetto Reserve.

05 April 2024
In 1962 it was declared a national park, it was recategorized into a reserve in 1979. With an area of almost 3,600 hectares, the reserve is the second largest in the Central Balkan National Park after Dzhendema.
It covers the gorge of the Cherni(Black)Osam river, called Steneto, which with its sheer cliffs has preserved in a pristine form a complex of mountain, mostly forest, ecosystems and rock formations unique to Europe. The relief in the reserve is highly dissected by river valleys, above which rise steep stone walls and sheer rock ridges. The steep cliffs in the Hajdushkoto Igrilo, Bivola (the Bufalo), Stanchov polugar areas reach a height of up to 150 meters.