Today we celebrate World Environment Day
05 June 2024

World Environment Day, June 5, is the most significant international event for actions aimed at protecting the environment. This year the focus is on restoring the quality of the land, overcoming the risk of desertification and building resilience.
As every year, the MOEW team and its regional structures initiate numerous events in the country, together with municipalities, schools, museums, community centers, basin directorates, national parks, youth organizations, etc.
The Central Balkan National Park Directorate will mark the date with an informational meeting under the title "Together for a green future", with the support of the Science -1870 National Community Center in the town of Troyan. Those wishing to visit the event will be able to familiarize themselves with the structure of the Park and the Park Directorate, the types of protected areas, the biodiversity of Central Stara Planina, our YOUTUBE channel and get answers to questions that interest them.
As every year, the MOEW team and its regional structures initiate numerous events in the country, together with municipalities, schools, museums, community centers, basin directorates, national parks, youth organizations, etc.
The Central Balkan National Park Directorate will mark the date with an informational meeting under the title "Together for a green future", with the support of the Science -1870 National Community Center in the town of Troyan. Those wishing to visit the event will be able to familiarize themselves with the structure of the Park and the Park Directorate, the types of protected areas, the biodiversity of Central Stara Planina, our YOUTUBE channel and get answers to questions that interest them.