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Central Balkan National Park Directorate celebrated World Ranger Day

31 July 2020
Central Balkan National Park Directorate organized an open-air holiday, dedicated to the World Ranger Day - July 31 in the village of Cherni Osam, Troyan municipality. Children, accompanied by parents and teachers, came to the hospitable yard of the co-organizers and hosts of the event - the local Museum of Natural History and the School for Mountain Guides "Vasil Levski".

This holiday is held as a sign of respect and gratitude to all rangers, including the Central Balkan National Park`s rangers, who work around the clock to protect nature. 

The visitors went through fun educational games and outdoor competitions, accompanied by park rangers and experts, as well as students from the School for Mountain Guides. 

The organization of the event was in accordance with the requirements of anti-epidemic measures - distance, masks, and disinfectants.

The first World Ranger Day took place in 2007, the date represented the 15th anniversary of when the IRF was founded. IRF stands for the International Ranger Federation. This organization was founded in 1992.