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Natura 2000


Educational meeting with young people from the National School for Mountain Guides in the village of Cherni Osam

On February 13, at the Natural History Museum - village of Cherni Osam, an expert from the Directorate of the Central Balkan National Park held an educational talk with students from the National School for Mountain Guides.

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Ranking in the competition procedure for Senior and Chief Expert in the management of Natura 2000 protected areas

Ranking in the competition procedure for Senior and Chief Expert in the management of Natura 2000 protected areas

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Ranking in the competition procedure for Chief inspector of Control and Security Department - North

Ranking in the competition procedure for Chief inspector of Control and Security Department - North

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World Wetlands Day – “Protecting Wetlands for Our Common Future!”

On 2 February, the world celebrated World Wetlands Day under the motto “Conserve Wetlands for Our Common Future.”

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Educational meeting with the "Youth Information Center" - Karlovo

The experts of Directorate introduced teenagers from the Youth Information Center - Karlovo and their Romanian guests from Asociatia Mod of Life to the activities of the Central Balkan National Park (NBNP)

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Experts from the Central Balkan National Park participated in the international Midwinter Waterfowl Census

Experts of the Park Directorate participated in the Midwinter Waterfowl Census initiative in the country. They were responsible for surveying 6 large and several smaller water bodies.

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Happy International Mountain Day!

Central Balkan Biosphere Reserve was accepted as a member of the World Network of Mountain Biosphere Reserves this year.

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Illegally parked van removed from Dzhendema Reserve

After a Central Balkan National Park Directorate employees’ action, an illegally placed van with a surveillance camera and a feeder for wild animals was removed from the territory of the Dzhendema Reserve.

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44 projects of students from all over the country have been ranked from the second phase in the XVI edition of the National Student Competition "Ambassadors of Health"

44 projects of students from I to XII grades from all over the country have been ranked from the second phase in the XVI edition of the National Student Competition Ambassadors of Health.

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On November 2nd and 3rd, an action was held against the unregulated movement of motorcycles on the territory of Central Balkan National Park, led by the Director of the protected area - Georgi Krastev, with the participation of employees from several park sections.

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Central Balkan National Park Directorate celebrated the International Day of Biosphere Parks, November 3, with festival events

On the occasion of the International Day for Biosphere Reserves Central Balkan National Park Directorate held three festival events in the municipal centers of the transition zone of the Central Balkan Biosphere Reserve - in Troyan on October 19, in Sevlievo on October 26 and in Karlovo on November 2

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We are celebrating 33 years since the declaration of the Central Balkan National Park with the exhibition View of the Balkans

On the occasion of the 33rd anniversary of Central Balkan, the Directorate of the park opened an exhibition entitled "View of the Balkans", which collected 15 selected photographs from the amateur photography competition held this year.

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"Study on forest ecosystems in mountain water catchments in Central Balkan Biosphere Reserve" project launched

Study on forest ecosystems in mountain water catchments in Central Balkan Biosphere Reserve" is among the five projects selected in 2024 for Europe and North America.

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The collection of medicinal plants, mushrooms and wild fruits is temporarily suspended in part of the collection massifs in the NP "Central Balkan"

By Order of the Director of the Park Directorate, the activities of collecting medicinal plants, herbs, wild fruits and mushrooms for personal needs and as an economic activity in the period 05.09.2024 - 15.10.2024 on the entire territory of Central Balkan National Park with the exception of:...

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Central Balkan National Park employees found the carcass of a killed bear

The competent authorities have been notified and the case is being investigated

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What you need to know when visiting Central Balkan National Park

Wildlife has a right to privacy. Preserve it in its natural state by using wisely your right to recreation and knowledge.

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The competition of the "Central Balkan National Park" Directorate for amateur photography under the title "Me and the Balkan" continues

Waiting Your shots, sealed memories, beautiful views and favorite places from the Central Balkan National Park to email: !

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We celebrate International Ranger Day

Central Balkan National Park Directorate marked the date from the nature protection calendar with two consecutive events.

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We are celebrating the International Day of the Ranger with a celebration in the yard of the Natural History Museum in the village of Cherni Osam

On July 27, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Central Balkan National Park Directorate, together with the host Natural History Museum in the village of Cherni Osam and the National School for Mountain Guides, will offer various stations with activities, some of which are a climbing wall, cable car, adventure activities, research challenges, forest station, introduction to the biodiversity of the National Park and many more.

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The fire in Central Balkan has been extinguished

The rain that fell around 16:00 over the area helped to bring the fire under control. For more than 72 hours, efforts to extinguish it continued in the Steneto reserve on the territory of Central Balkan National Park.

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A fire is raging in Central Balkan National Park

Yesterday, 18.07.2024, at 2:30 p.m., a forest fire was reported in the area of ​​Dzhufar Dere, Steneto Reserve, Central Balkan National Park.

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Two organized visits for teachers took place in the beech forests of the National Park at the beginning of July.

The participants, teachers of various educational levels and pedagogues, actively involved in extracurricular forms, passed on July 4 and 5 along the route Apriltsi - Interpretation Complex "Forest" - Pleven hut - Water Holes cave and on July 8 and 9 along the route Kalofer - Ray hut - Raysko praskalo waterfall.

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In the city park Marcotea in Gabrovo, a lot of children passed scout tests, played forgotten games, explored, created.

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Central Balkan National Park Directorate and Ethnographic Open- Air Museum ETAR celebrated Saint John's Day

In connection with the celebration of the holiday of medicinal plants on June 23 and 24, visitors to the museum had the opportunity to learn more about herbs from experts of the Park Directorate.

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The first celebration of the Central Balkan Biosphere Reserve was held in the city of Sevlievo

On Sunday (October 1) in the central city square in the city of Sevlievo, the festival event under the title "Common Future for People and Nature", organized by Central Balkan National Park Directorate, supported by Sevlievo Municipality.

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News archive


Natura 2000 is a common European ecological network, that aims to protect Europe's most valuable and threatened species and habitats. It consists of protected areas, defined according to two principal directives for the nature conservation – Council Directive 92/43/EEC (Habitats directive) and Council Directive 2009/147/EEC (Birds Directive). Both are transposed in Bulgarian legislation via the Biological Diversity Act.  
Central Balkan National Park is a protected area under the Birds and Habitats Directives.

BG0000494 Central Balkan under Habitats Directive

BG0000494 Central Balkan under Birds Directive