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Central Balkan National Park Directorate will have effective equipment for rapid fire extinguishing

21 April 2023
Today, two specialized fire fighting modules were delivered to the Park Directorate and installed on off-road vehicles. 

The equipment was acquired in implementation of the activity "Prevention and fight against fires and poaching by providing the necessary equipment and equipment" under project No. BG16M1OP002-3.007-0006 "Restoration and protection of natural habitats and species in the Central Balkan National Park", financed by the European Fund for Regional Development of the European Union and the state budget of the Republic of Bulgaria through the Operational Program "Environment 2014 - 2020."

The delivery and installation of two more specialized modules are pending. Employees from the "Control and Security" department will undergo training on their operation.

Fires are a major negative factor leading to damage and loss of targeted natural habitats. The acquisition of a new effective technique for quick response and extinguishing, it will help to reach and contain them quickly.