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20 May 2024
Today we celebrate World Bee Day and all the pollinators that have been seriously threatened with extinction in the last few years. Now is the time to realize how important pollinators are to our quality of life and our future.
In this regard, a Central Balkan National Park Directorate expert carried out a lesson to children in the Radost Kindergarden in the town of Gabrovo, on the topic "The bee - the tireless worker", which is a part of the educational program of the Park Directorate for 2024. The conversation took place in a game form, where the children were able to learn more about the types of bees, their habitats, the structure and role of the different types of bees in the hive. The children showed interest by actively participating in the activities. In the end, everyone received a prize from us, and the kindergarten, an educational package adapted to the respective age.
Bees are among the most famous pollinators and there are over 2,000 species, there are 900 species of syrphid flies, over 500 species of butterflies, 8,000 species of moths and many other insects. 4 out of 5 types of crops - important sources of nutrients for humans, are completely dependent on pollination - this invaluable service that nature provides us for free. It is alarming that around one in ten species of bees and butterflies in Europe is on the verge of extinction, and one in three species is in reduced population.
The European Union has set long-term goals and actions to be implemented by EU citizens to achieve the main goal - dealing with the drastic reduction of natural pollinators. It's time for everyone to take that small-big step towards popularizing the importance of bees, because the state of ecosystems, and therefore the well-being of people, depends precisely on saving them.