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Registration of participants in the specialized guided visits continues

17 June 2024

Organized visits for teachers, tour operators and tour guides in the beech forests of the National Park

The Central Balkan National Park Directorate (CNPCB) will organize guided visits to the beech forests of the Central Balkan National Park for tour operators, tour guides and teachers teaching in the municipalities adjacent to the National Park.

In 2017, the best-preserved and most representative natural beech forests of the nine reserves of the Central Balkan National Park were included as part of the serial transnational UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site "Old and Primary Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions in Europe".

The purpose of the visits is to interpret the natural heritage in a real environment, to give guidance on leading groups, organizing outdoor activities, games and eco-education.

A total of three two-day itineraries are planned – two for teachers and one for tour operators with varying degrees of difficulty, as follows:

Route 1 for teachers: town of Apriltsi - Complex for interpretation The Forest - Pleven hut
Date: 4-5 July 2024
Participants travel with their own transport to the Vidima quarter, Vidima Hydroelectric Power Station in the town of Apriltsi. The program includes a visit to the Forest Interpretation Complex and a climb to Pleven hut from the  Mazaneto locality, familiarization with the Severen Dzhendem reserve. The trek is of low to medium difficulty, lasting about 3 hours each way, including breaks and interpretation. Within the framework of the organized event, the DNPCB covers the overnight expenses of Pleven hut on July 4, 2024 (Thursday), light dinner and breakfast. The remaining necessary meals for the two days are provided by the participants at their discretion. Return on July 5 to the starting point by the same or at the discretion of the group by an alternative route.
Necessary equipment - backpack, hiking shoes, comfortable clothing, hat, water, food for the trip, raincoat, poles (optional). We recommend that participants have mountain insurance.
Route 2 for teachers: town of Kalofer - Ray hut - Raysko praskalo waterfall
Date: 8-9 July 2024
The participants travel with their own transport to the  Panitsite locality in the town of Kalofer. The program includes a climb to Ray hut and Raysko praskalo waterfall, introduction to Dzhendema Reserve. The trek is of medium difficulty, lasting about 5 hours each way, including breaks and interpretation. Within the framework of the organized event, the DNPCB covers the overnight expenses of Ray hut on July 8, 2024 (Monday), light dinner and breakfast. The remaining necessary meals for the two days are provided by the participants at their discretion. Return on July 9 to the starting point.
Necessary equipment - backpack, hiking shoes, comfortable clothing, hat, water, food for the trip, raincoat, poles (optional). We recommend that participants have mountain insurance.

Route 3 for tour operators/tour guides/group leaders: town of Karlovo - Vasil Levski hut – Ray hut  - town of Kalofer
Date: : 15-16 July 2024
The participants travel with their own transport to the city of Karlovo. The program includes a climb to Vasil Levski hut and getting to know Stara Reka Reserve. Transfer the next day to Ray hut and introduction to Dzhendema Reserve.
The trek is of medium difficulty, lasting about 7 hours on the first day and 9 hours on the second day, including breaks and interpretation. Within the framework of the organized event, the DNPCB covers the overnight expenses of Vasil Levski hut on July 15, 2024 (Monday), light dinner and breakfast. The remaining necessary meals for the two days are provided by the participants at their discretion. Disembark in the town of Kalofer on July 16 and travel by public transport to the town of Karlovo.
Necessary equipment - backpack, hiking shoes, comfortable clothing, hat, water, food for the trip, raincoat, poles (optional). We recommend that participants have mountain insurance.

Participation in the events is done through a completed participation form. Approval of up to two participants from an educational institution, tour operator or guide practice is foreseen, until the groups of an average of 15 participants, excluding the guides, are filled.

As a result of the received applications, a ranking of the selected participants will be carried out with priority given to teachers from schools located in the adjacent settlements around the Central Balkan National Park, participation in thematic clubs according to interests, tour operators/guides operating on the territory of the National Park, order of receipt of applications.

Completed forms are accepted until June 15, 2024 for teachers and until June 30 for tour operators, tour guides, group leaders by e-mail More information on phone 0885557676 or phone 0886 76 19 94.

Teacher Participation Form

Form for the participation of tour operators, tour guides, group leaders

The visits are carried out in implementation of activity "3.02. Raising awareness at the local and national level" under the LIFE PROGNOSES Project - "Strengthening the protection of old and primary forests in Europe by focusing on sites from the World Heritage List" (LIFE PRotection of Old Growth Forests in Europe: Natural heritage, Outline, Synthesis and Ecosystem Services (Strength